Double immunofluorescence

Sample preparation


  1. sacrifice the animals and dissect knee samples
  2. fix in 95%EtOH 5%HAc over 48h in the fridge
  3. decalcify in 20% EDTApH7.4 for 2 weeks (shaking)
  4. wax embed and section (6um sections)




  • this experiment should be repeated on matched sections from 3 unrelated animals per genotype
  • Alexa Fluor® dye spectra:





Staining steps


dewax in xylene 2 x 5min


 100% EtOH 3min


 90% EtOH 3min


 70% EtOH 3min


 50% EtOH 3min


 dH2O 2x 3min (from here on, do not let the samples dry!)


 1x PBS 2x 3min


 mark the area around the sections with ImmEdge pen

 keep the slides in a darkened humidified chamber during all incubations


 2mg/ml bovine hyaluronidase in 1x PBS (antigen unmasking) 45min at 37ºC


 1x PBS 3x 5min


 0.5% TritonX 5min


 1x PBS 2x 5min


 5ug/ml proteinase K 5min


 1x PBS 3x 5min


 block in 10ml PBS/BSA (1% BSA in 1x PBS) + 60ul serum 1h


 apply mixture of 1ºAb in PBS/BSA 1-18h


 PBS/BSA 2x 5min


 apply mixture of 2ºAb in PBS/BSA/serum 1h


 1x PBS 3x 5min

mount in Vectashield with DAPI
coverslip, store in the dark at 4ºC


Data analysis

image the samples and analyse using ImageJ software